Pull Model

Bracle Network will offer a data Pull Model in the future to support more on-chain application scenarios. Unlike the traditional blockchain oracle data Push model, the data Pull model will have the following characteristics:

  • Gas efficiency -- On-chain prices are only updated when they are needed. In the push model, the oracle can waste gas by submitting price updates that no one will use. Furthermore, the cost of updating the oracle is distributed amongst its users instead of borne entirely by Bracle Network. The cost of maintaining the on-chain prices can be substantial for a single entity, but is minimal when spread across all users. Many of the subsequent advantages follow from the fact that Bracle Network does not have to pay gas fees for every single update.

  • High update frequency -- Bracle Network price feeds update once per second, which is faster than the blocktime of most blockchains. Such frequent updates would not be possible if every price had to be pushed on-chain. However, push oracles typically update even less frequently than the blocktime, because it is simply too expensive to update feeds more frequently.

  • Low latency -- Every transaction can use a recent off-chain price, instead of relying on the last on-chain update pushed by the oracle itself.

  • More price feeds -- Bracle Network can scale to thousands of price feeds due to its gas efficiency. The oracle incurs no added costs for each additional feed, and users pay gas costs for new feeds only when those feeds are used on-chain.

  • Reliable in volatile conditions -- Push oracles can fail to land price updates in volatile market conditions. In these conditions, the oracle competes with other more valuable transactions (such as DEX trades or liquidations) for bandwidth, and often cannot pay enough to land price updates. This problem does not occur in the pull model, as Bracle price updates are incorporated into the valuable transactions themselves.

  • Common infrastructure -- Every component of Bracle Network is shared across blockchains except for the contract deployed on the destination chain. These shared components can therefore be built with high reliability and accuracy targets, benefitting every chain the oracle is deployed on. This approach also allows Bracle Network to rapidly launch on new blockchains and ecosystems with all of the existing price feeds.

  • Sustainable -- The Bracle Network protocol has been designed to allow for the optional enablement of data fees to update the state of an on-chain price feed. These fees will compensate data providers for their effort and motivates them to contribute additional data. Oracles without such a mechanism are inherently unsustainable and likely to fail if the operating organization runs out of money.

Last updated