Become a data provider

Data providers can get started publishing data to the Bracle Network by performing the following steps.

Request access

First, contact the Bracle Data Association and request to become a data provider. You can reach out on Discord or Telegram. Only data providers with first-party data (exchanges, market makers, and trading firms) are allowed to participate in the network.

Generate keypair

Every data provider is identified on the network by a public key, and their prices are signed by the corresponding private key. You will need a public/private key pair for this purpose. If you do not already have a keypair, you can create one using the instructions below:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your email

This command will create a public/private keypair in the id_rsa file. Please extract the public key from this file and share it with the Bracle Data Association so they can enable you to publish prices.

Procure validators

Every data provider to the network will require connecting a Bracle Network Validator. The Bracle Data Association will assist you with this step.

Bracle Data Publisher

Data providers can publish data to the network using the Bracle Data Publisher software package. This package abstracts away all of the communication with the underlying blockchain and exposes a simple JSON RPC interface for submitting price data. Please see the README of that package for instructions on using it. This software requires you to configure both the keypair and validators from the previous steps in order to run. Please also see the JSON RPC API documentation. Finally, the example publisher is a fully-worked example of how to integrate with the Bracle Data Publisher API.

Last updated